Install Debian in QEMU

How could I use a MacBook on macOS to build packages with pkgsrc for GNU/Debian 🤔

$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 /Users/triaxx/vms/debian.qcow2 16G
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -accel tcg -m 2G -display sdl \
    -drive file=/Users/triaxx/vms/debian.qcow2,if=none,id=vdisk0 \
    -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=vdisk0 \
    -cdrom debian-12.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso

The option -cpu max -smp cpus=2 seems to be buggy on Darwin 22.6.0

Shell command tricks

Print a line character by character by showing whitespaces: $ dmesg | sed -n -e '7p' | od -a 0000000 [ sp sp sp sp sp 1 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] sp 0000020 N e t B S D sp 9 . 0 sp ( X E N 3 0000040 _ D O M U ) sp # 0 : sp F r i sp F 0000060 e b sp 1 4 sp 0 0 : 0 6 : 2 8 sp U 0000100 T C sp 2 0 2 0 nl 0000110  […]

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Import Maildir folder into Dovecot

Sometimes, I had backuped Maildir because I would update the server... Often, I was too lazy to reimport the mails into the new Maildir... But it's not that complicated! At least this approach works: # doveadm import -u triaxx -U triaxx maildir:/home/triaxx/mail.bak backup all The mail.bak directory  […]

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First steps with Mercurial

Mercurial is a good alternative to Git since I do not want to live in a world with only one distributed version control software... The use case here is to implement a complete set of configuration files (the default branch) that can be deployed a newly installed machine. Each specific configurations for a given machine will be pushed to the dedicated branch. This is not the most realistic scenario to play with a version control system but actually I do not have any others...

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Charger une clé USB bootable depuis GNU GRUB

Je ne me rappelle jamais comment forcer le démarrage depuis une clé USB bootable avec les vieux BIOS. Il faut soit appuyer sur la touche Esc, soit sur F1, soit sur F12... et ce dans une laps de temps inférieur à 2 secondes. Après 4 redémarrage infructueux, je me dis que je pourrais peut-être charger le système installé sur cette clé depuis GNU GRUB.

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HP Pavillon ze2000 sous FreeBSD

hp_pavillon_ze2000.jpg, avr. 2020

C'est le premier ordinateur portable que j'ai eu et que je me suis acheté lorsque j'étais en licence. Non je ne suis pas si vieux que ça...

# dmidecode | grep "Release Date"
SMBIOS version fixup (2.31 -> 2.3).
        Release Date: 08/04/2005

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